e. mail@unityoccupationalhealth.com t. 01603 250015

Our Services

Sickness and Absence

At Unity we provide a confidential and supportive assessment of an individual’s ill health.

This information includes potential length of absence from work, any recommended safeguards or adjustments and whether a period of staged return or rehabilitation is required.

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Health Surveillance

Providing a wide range of Health Surveillance Programmes, Unity will establish and maintain statutory medical screening for all staff exposed to potential hazards identified within your workplace and provide appropriate documentary reports to support your compliance with current legislation.

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Returning to Work

A Return to Work Assessment involves a functional capacity evaluation of the individual to assess an individual's fitness to return to work.

An on-site assessment can be undertaken by observing the processes and activities carried out by the individual in order to assist with recommendations for returning to work.

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Pre-placement (Employment) health assessments

A pre-placement assessment on the health status of a new employee is key to ensuring an individual is fit for the job they are about to undertake, without posing a risk to themselves or those around them and can identify areas where additional considerations are required.

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Executive Medical Assessments

Senior members of staff are especially valuable to an organisation, but often have to cope with greater responsibilities and stresses and can benefit from regular health checks.

A pre-placement assessment on the health status of a new employee in an executive role is key to ensuring an individual is fit for the job they are about to undertake, without posing a risk to themselves or those around them.

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Statutory and Occupational Health Medicals

We offer a variety of Statutory and Occupational Health medical assessments which are carried out by our experienced clinicians at the Unity offices

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Wellbeing and Allied Health Services

We offer a variety of interventions to promote well-being in the workplace and improve the health of your workforce.

Senior members of staff are especially valuable to an organisation, but often have to cope with greater responsibilities and stresses and can benefit from regular health checks.

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Workplace Risk Assessments

On-site workplace assessments can identify potential risks to an individual or assist with understanding of the individuals role so that recommendations for adjustments can be made.

At Unity our practical assessments are undertaken by skilled Nurse Advisors who by observation of the individual in their work environment and discussion with the supervisor or mamnager can provide a valuable tool in managing a persons health concerns.


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