e. mail@unityoccupationalhealth.com t. 01603 250015

Need a Workplace Risk Assessment?

Unity takes an interest in what your employees do within the workplace. This is particularly important when either planning the return of a worker following illness or injury, or to keep an employee at work when they have a health issue that is impacting on their ability to do their usual work activities. Unity’s clinical staff believe that this service can be best provided by coming into the business, observing and assessing what the employee does and then discussing with Health and Safety, Managers and HR, as appropriate, and the employee on what can be provided to assist the employee to remain in work.

  • Supportive advice following a return to work or sickness absence assessment
  • Lone Worker Assessments (to assess their fitness for lone working)
  • Pregnancy Risk assessments
  • Safety Critical Medicals (to ensure a high level of fitness for safety critical work)
call us on 01603 250015

Or leave us a message below

Occupational Health Physicians
These doctors specialise in the health of individuals in the workplace
Occupational Health Nurse Advisors
Registered Specialist Community Public Health Nurse specialising in work related health
Face to face
Consultations can be undertaken either at Unity’s Clinic or on site
Safe Effective Quality Occupational Health Service. Professionally accredited high quality services for businesses to manage the health of their employees

Why choose Unity

protecting your most valuble assets

We offer a 360⁰ Service encompassing Occupational Health Physicians, Occupational Health Nurse Advisors and Associate Professionals providing a comprehensive Occupational Health and Wellbeing Services. A bespoke tailored quality service at a time and place to sort your organisation.